
my blue and red rooms..

hey sarah,
wow! what a long "things about me", i love to read them. you are such an open and happy person. i don't find many people open up much lately. i am very open too, but to the ones who do the same. i am glad that i've found you and/or you've found me. ;] i am so happy that you love this blog. i love it too!! it's like we have someone to talk to and share each day, apart from our loved ones at home.. (hey sorry for my typing that i don't type in capital letters. i feel that it looks casual and relaxing this way.)

  • i like dancing too but never take a class or do professional dance. oh! i did take one class when i was in university. i took it as a selective subject but i was kind of hopeless about this thing! you are gifted in many creative ways apart from writing. (and you should pursue that!)
  • i understand when you said you listen to "hanging by the moment" over and over again, coz i do the same sometimes.. (actaully many times!). and same as "butterly" and you can watch and listen it here.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbErAYk3Imc and i want to get up and dance listening to this song. ;]
  • you talked about wedding, when are you going to get married?? i am thrilled to see your wedding photos now.. though, i don't want one but i am happy for the people who find the one for themselves.. you must be very gorgeous in your wedding dress..
  • i'm sorry for the lost of your cat, she must be very special. i am a dog person but don't hate cats. i think cats are too quiet and "miew miew" when they are hungry. i like dogs (though one of my friends said they are stupid) bc they are always cheerful to see you when you get home from work. always excited seeing you.
  • wow!! you have a degree in Liberal Arts! me too! but in the university i attended it's called "humanities and social science" but it is the same as liberal arts, it depends on each university what they want to call the faculties. i majored in english and learned a lot about literatures (but i think i give all back to my teachers now!).. this is why i crave in old movies, novels, characters in the movies and novels too much.. learning literatures then was not fun at all bc it took time and patience to understand them and my english was at level 1 then. but looking back now, i am glad for what i learned then. i love that my teachers looked for old classic novels and movies to teach us.. i learned "sense and sensibility" too.. i try to get back to read jane austen's now but still fail to make much of progress!
  • and you are trying to finishing a PhD! wow!! you are more determined than i am.. i don't want to study a master degree. i like to learn new things and i read a lot but i do it on my own. i see that there are some subjects that i don't like to learn but i have to if i study in universtity or studying master degree.. i think (for me) life is too short and if i further master degree, i would waste my time and i would hate myself for wasting time, instead of travelling.. ;] so i think, i'd do it in my own way.
  • you like orange? i must say i like different colors for different things. most of my fave are bright colors; red, yellow, orange, blue, green.. but when picking up colors for walls, it turns out blue all the time! and these are some photos that i can find in my computer.
the blue internet room which my bf just painted for me 2 months ago.

one of the wall in my bed room. it was red before but now it's light blue. i am thinking to turn it into red again but i don't have much time to do it now. maybe in october.

my room in my dad's new house. he didn't like the color. he said it was too bright and no one painted this color in thailand. i said i love it and i wanted this color. he ignored me and started to painted other rooms with the color he picked. we always have stupid fights about the color on my bed room wall. when he finished with painting on other rooms he asked me again. "what color do you want in your room? i still said "blue".. every single time i said blue. finally he gave in and told me to buy the color and he painted it for me 2 weeks ago!! i love it! it's deep blue sea..

and this one is light blue in my room at the shop. my bf painted for me when i was away. i didn' t like the color at first but after getting used to it.. i love it.. (not the same as above, i fell in love when i first see it.)

anyway, yesterday after creating our blog, i went around town looking for something to eat with my sister, i brought my camera with me too.. i did it all the time before and stopped a while and i started to do it again now so i will have something to post in our blog. i can write more with photos attached on the blog.. hey, forget to tell you, my camera has a name too. it's eddy! i like edward newton so much and so i named my camera after him..
aww! it's a good write.. i must get back to work now and talk to you again later.. ;]
p.s.: yes, i love to you to send me "orlando", i love to watch it. it's in 1992 and i am sure that i can't find it here.. but i don't want to bother you on this.., if it won't bother you, please please please.. i want to watch it.. ;]

1 comment:

  1. Hey Joei, wow !!!! beautiful deep sea blue !!! and what a great picture of you with the red wall! haha, your camera has a name! you are the only person I know whose camera has a name, that's so cool. I have to look up who that is. ...I like the way you write with no caps! ...I'll have to finish reading your post and answer you more a little later, when I have more time. :D


About Me

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about us, joy is from thailand. sarah is from USA. we met at a mutual favorite website and we love to share our daily lives, interests, writing, goofy fun things together...