
Very happy to meet you, Joy! : )

This is a big moment for me: my first-ever blog post (thank you, Joy, for making this moment a reality ;D haha). I hope someday I'll be able to visit you in Thailand, but until then, this shared-blog idea of yours will take the place of traveling and I am really looking forward to getting to know you better as our site evolves! About me...um...I might be one of those types who think too much....while time goes by, the house does not get cleaned, I do not succeed in finding a better job, my poems do not get published, etc. But every once in a while, my thoughts become reality, and then it's all worth it, right, Joy? ;D ok, here goes....

  • I am clumsy too. On the other hand, I have very quick reflexes. My parents put me in a dance class when I was 3 years old because I was so uncoordinated (born 2 months early, like many preemies I had trouble developing motor coordination: there is a Super 8 home movie of me trying to run at about age 2 or 3 & I look like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz movie). However, I spent the next 14 years dedicated to becoming a professional ballet dancer, and in fact I wasn't that bad when I gave up much to my college-English-teacher-parents' relief.
  • I would secretly still like to be a dancer. I dream of learning choreography.
  • I studied flute starting at age 10 and gave up after 2 years of being a college flute major. I was even less bad at flute than at ballet, but it took too much energy, I hated my college music program, and I doubted I could make a living at it.

  • At age 8 I wrote my first poems and have always secretly (or not-so-secretly) believed that I am a writer. It is still surprising to me that I have not yet learned how to make a living as a writer. Now I have a degree in English, a degree in "Liberal Arts," and am trying to finish my PhD in English Lit. I'm not good at teaching though so I'm not always sure what the point of that is anymore. Stupid existential crisis. I would teach anyway because there are bills to pay but I have a deep and abiding horror of becoming one of the many teaching zombies I have seen in my life. I'm also afraid that my next boss will be like my last one, and will also treat me as if I am supposed to be her mindless puppet presenting the students with her own personal writing-class equivalent of coloring-books in which they have only to stay inside the lines. Learning writing is about learning to think, or it is worth nothing. As you can see, I am also, um..."insubordinate."
  • My fiance just walked in and told me that one of his Math Department colleagues has got one of those $20 ministerial licenses and has offered to officiate at our wedding. This is a very funny idea. I really like the guy, but fear having the entire thing turn into a farce (which would be just fine with fiance, who is terrified of serious things...I think it's a control issue).

  • I like lifehouse a lot too! Once I listened to "Hanging By a Moment" over and over until it was ridiculous. Not sure if I know the song "butterfly" so I'm gonna have to look it up!

  • Fiance and I rent a small 100-year-old former summer cottage in kind of a ghetto neighborhood, and at the moment every time we wash the dishes it floods the back porch. Our landlady never fixes anything so fiance is looking for a pipe wrench. However, there is no reason we would own a pipe wrench, that I know of. It is going to be my job to talk to the landlady about it when fiance gives up trying to fix it himself. Then she will give me some long rambling story about nothing and the sink will still not be fixed. That's how it goes. It's kind of fun watching the porch flood while washing dishes, but the semi-clogged pipes are beginning to smell a bit.

  • Some of my favorite movies are Volver with Salma Hayek, Harold and Maude ("cult classic" from 1970s with music by Cat Stevens), Shakespeare in Love and the version of Romeo and Juliet by Baz Luhrman, R+J.

  • Some of my favorite novel-type books are The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, Blindness by Jose Saramago, As I Lay Dying by Faulkner, The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston and A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole (especially funny to anyone born and raised in south Louisiana).

  • I am a coffee nut and my drink is a doppio espresso macchiato. I also like tasting wines. My favorite wine ever is a "honey wine" I tasted once at the Albuquerque Wine Festival in New Mexico.

  • I try to be good company, but many people think I'm too quiet. I really enjoy spontaneity but am always making plans.

  • My fiance loves roller coasters, but they make me feel like I am going to die. I would rather just jump in the ocean. Right now I dream about the ocean (literally) more often than I swim in it, so I should change that.

  • I love people who are intelligent, independent in thought and action, kind, caring, passionate, goofy, humorous, and who love life.

  • All my boyfriends have been either science or math or computer geeks, musicians, or something else but really into martial arts. I didn't plan that, but looking back, it's true.

  • I still miss my 17-year-old cat who died last year. She had a great personality. Now that she is gone, there is no one in charge of our household. The hummingbirds are trying, but when they fly inside the house, they get confused and have to be chased out again for their own good.

  • The color orange always makes me feel happy.

p.s. Hey, Joy, where is "the wall painted blue and red"??! :D

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about us, joy is from thailand. sarah is from USA. we met at a mutual favorite website and we love to share our daily lives, interests, writing, goofy fun things together...